Best Nightmare
It was hot, almost unbearably so. Tom strained against his comforter, writing in his sleep. His body temperature was rising, his blood rushing soundly through his veins, and he couldn’t stop it. His dreams were too vivid to stop it, and given the choice, he probably would have kept it going anyway.
The bedroom of Tom’s dream was his, and yet not. The bed he was lying in, in reality, was not covered with cool, smooth silk, but soft, sweaty cotton. Nor was the room he was lying it decorated with candles the way his dream room was. Still, he felt a sense of possession over the cool, dark room with its ruby walls and soft white carpet.
The dream opened like a production, candles and silk blossoming like a fresh rose in Tom’s psyche. He tried to sit up to look around, but found his wrists shackled to the bars of the headboard. He smiled, but didn’t know why. His bared skin was comforted by the red sheets, and he laid back, watching the white French doors at the end of the room through a haze from the candles with a sense of giddy anticipation. He clutched at the chains of his handcuffs, his palms sweating inconspicuously, his breathing shallow.
The doors creaked slowly open, revealing Mark standing outside in the hall, wearing the black Atticus t-shirt and baggy jeans he’d been in the last time Tom had seen him. Tom’s body tense and he became nervous, almost positive that Mark was angry.
Tom tried desperately to sit up, to face Mark properly. “Mark,” he croaked. His throat felt closed and tight. “Mark, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean… I didn’t want… I…”
Mark interrupted him, his gaze hard. “I miss you.”
Tom froze. “What?” he whispered.
“I miss you,” Mark repeated. He closed the doors quietly behind him. “I miss your laugh, your smile.” He glided easily towards the bed. The look in his eyes was a familiar one to Tom, and it was one that made his blood run hot and his lips part in quiet pants. He watched with a pleasant shudder as Mark crawled onto the bed, straddling Tom but being careful not to touch him. “I miss you, Tom,” he said again. The two were nose to nose, and Tom was left to stare into the gorgeous eyes he had feared he would never see again.
“Mark, I…” Tom gulped. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I never meant to choose Jen over you. I don’t know why I did it…”
“Because I’m a fucking boy,” Mark answered, his tone bitter. Tom had to fight back tears.
“No, no. It’s just…” Tom gave a dry sob. “I couldn’t take… You and Skye…” He watched Mark’s eyes, anxious. “I need you, Mark. I can’t live without you.”
Mark’s eyes softened, and he put a hand to Tom’s cheek. “Open your eyes, Tom. You can live your life all on your own.”
Tom opened his mouth to argue, but his lips were instantly covered by Mark’s. A tingling shiver went from Tom’s mouth straight to his groan and he moaned quietly, trying to press against Mark’s body, so close but so far away.
Mark’s tongue slid through Tom’s lips, and Tom eagerly gave him entrance, kissing him soundly. Love, lust, and passion made his skin burn as Mark began kissing his way down Tom’s jaw. His lips hit a spot just below Tom’s ear and he groaned loudly, a wave of pleasure engulfing him.
Mark planted a soft trail of kisses down Tom’s chest, occasionally flicking his tongue over the smooth, pale skin. Tom watched through hooded eyes as Mark tugged the sheets away, the silks sliding over Tom’s hips and revealing his erection.
Mark kissed just below Tom’s navel, a wicked grin playing across his lips. He ran his finger lightly over the underside of Tom’s cock, his eyes roving over the image before him. Tom was shivering, wanting Mark to hurry, to give him the pleasure he’d been aching for after so long, after three miserable years alone.
Mark sensed Tom’s impatience and gave the head of Tom’s member a tentative lick. Tom squirmed beneath him, gasping with pleasure. His cock was dripping with need, every feeling he’d been unable to fulfill beginning to seep out in the form of his desire for sex. “Mark,” he whispered, a slight whine in his voice.
Mark smirked, his eyes bright. He ran his tongue up Tom’s shaft and swirled the head in his mouth before finally taking all of Tom’s cock down his throat, licking and sucking.
Tom moaned loudly, trying in vain to thrust up while Mark held his hips down, pinning him to the bed. Mark’s head was bobbing up and down slowly, too slowly, so slowly that a near-pain was building up in Tom’s groin…
Mark came up far too soon, wiping his mouth and grinning proudly. Tom struggled against Mark’s hands, making tiny, pathetic noises in the back of his throat. “Mark, please, don’t stop…”
Mark kissed Tom gently on the forehead, then leaned back and began removing his shirt. Tom’s eyes wandered over Mark’s body as his clothes were discarded, eventually left staring at his old lover, with a body that Tom had memorized and a large, desperate erection. Just the sight was enough to make Tom dizzy with lust, and he felt paralyzed as a wave of want washed over him.
Tom gripped the chain of his handcuffs tightly as Mark crawled toward him and put his hands on both of Tom’s knees. He gently pushed Tom’s legs open, meeting Tom’s gaze with reassuring eyes that brought back Tom’s guilt over all that had happened. Tom closed his eyes and tried to concentrated on the feeling of Mark’s warm body between his legs.
Tom almost jumped when he felt Mark’s finger, coated in something cold and slick, touch his entrance. He forced himself to relax, eyes still closed. After a moment, Tom felt Mark’s finger slide into him, and he gave a strangled cry. IT felt amazing, so good, so familiar, a feeling that Tom had been afraid he’d never experience again.
Mark began to move his hand, pumping in and out, Tom moving his hips slowly. It was only a moment’s worth of time before Tom was panting, eyes finally half-opened and dazed. A second finger slipped into him, stretching him. Tom winced. It hurt more than he remembered – then again, he was a little out of practice. “Go slow,” he warned Mark, and the older man complied, watching Tom’s face for any sign of discomfort.
The pain subsided, leaving only pleasure in its wake. Tom spread his legs as far as he could. “Please,” he pleaded, panting. “Put it in, Mark.”
Mark grabbed a bottle of lubricant from the nightstand and coated his shaft with it. Tom watched, wanting to that that cock into his mouth, into his body, and relieve it of the pressure it was holding. He raised his hips off the bed and Mark put the tip of his cock against Tom’s entrance. Slowly, gently, he pushed in.
Pain shot through Tom’s hips and up his spine, and he shut his eyes tightly.
Mark was soon completely sheathed in Tom’s body. He groaned quietly, leaning forward to kiss Tom’s lips. With that kiss, all of Tom’s pain disappeared, and the feeling of Mark’s cock within him was heaven. Tom, too overcome to speak, gave Mark a small nod, signaling for him to continue.
Mark slowly pulled back and pushed into Tom again. His breathing was rough as he kissed Tom’s neck. Tom wrapped his legs around Mark’s back, forcing him deeper. He thrust up slowly, meeting Mark at a perfect pace, feeling as though the two men were melding together and becoming one. Tom forced himself to keep breathing – the sensations were leaving his chest tight and almost immobile.
Mark started to thrust a little faster, his impatience obvious from the frustrated whimpers coming from his throat. Tom could see that he was holding back, trying not to injure Tom’s delicate body. Mark gritted his teeth – the self-restraint and the need to go slow were taking a surprising toll on him.
Tom whispered one word: “Faster.”
Mark brought the speed up slowly, thrusting in and out of his lover faster and faster until he reached a pace that made his breathing race and his skin grow slick with sweat. He put a hand over Tom’s cock and began pumping in time with his thrusts, making Tom gasp and groan, watching Mark’s hands and hips as he fucked him. Mark shifted ever so slightly, hitting the spot that made Tom cry out with pleasure. He smiled, still panting, hitting that spot again and again… Everything was so fast… So good… So…
Tom came hard, moaning Mark’s name, cum spilling over his stomach. Mark came almost immediately after, giving one final thrust as Tom felt warm, wet cum spill into him. They stayed like that for what felt like an eternity after, Mark’s cock still inside Tom, the two of them breathing heavily.
Mark pulled back, smiling serenely as he licked Tom’s stomach clean of cum. He laid back, watching his lover.
Tom smiled as well. He wished his hands weren’t tied – he wanted to touch Mark and let him know that he’d never leave him again.
Mark’s body near Tom’s was warm. Growing warmer, in fact. Tom tried to squirm away from the uncomfortable heat, but he couldn’t get far… His ankles were somehow shackled as well now… Mark’s skin was sparking, and his expression had gone from one of peaceful joy to the one he had been wearing when they last spoke.
“You kill me, Tom,” he whispered, and fire licked at his body, turning it black, crumpling it, destroying it, and Tom couldn’t move, couldn’t even scream…
Tom jolted awake, his heart pounding. He was trembling all over. He curled up, trying to ignore the wet, cooling cum splattered on the inside of his boxers. He couldn’t shut his eyes without tears leaking out and images of Mark’s burning body flashing through his mind. He was alone – Jen was in her separate bedroom, and Mark was God knew where being happy without Tom.
Tom gave a quiet sob as he grabbed onto a pillow, holding it like a small child would.
“I miss you, Mark.”
Author's Note: I hope you guys like it. A few people on LJ did, so I hope it's appreciated.